Traditionally, hands-on software training was provided using physical labs. Learners would congregate in classrooms filled with expensive computers pre-loaded with the necessary lab material. Instructors with limited tracking ability did their best to guide attendees through complicated material, despite significant limitations.
Needing More
However, in an age where learners demand access to training at the touch of a button, the cons of in-person labs outweigh the pros. And now the global pandemic has made in-person training unsafe, requiring organizations to find alternatives to in-person, instructor led labs for their software training.
Here are some of the key limitations to the way traditional software labs were delivered:
A Solution
Luckily, virtual labs satisfy the practical needs of technical training without any in-person contact – all monitoring and instruction is built into the lab structure, with activity tracking available within the lab environment itself.
Traditional lab training sessions are difficult to deliver without a trainer, but virtual labs are designed to stand alone, and can also be used for trainer-led labs. They are designed from the ground up to be self-paced.
We provide virtual labs to some of the world’s leading technology companies – and we provide free initial consultations to investigate if virtual labs might be an appropriate solution for you and your team.
To learn more, get in touch, or download our virtual labs eBook below.