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Shelley Osborne (Udemy) - Why Learning is the Future of Work

Listen to episode 15


My guest this week is Shelley Osborne who is the VP of Learning at Udemy and author of “The Upskilling Imperative”, a wonderfully insightful book centered on how to make learning core to the way we work.

I was so happy Shelley agreed to be on the podcast and she certainly didn’t disappoint. I love the way Shelley thinks about learning and its role in the workplace, and so much of what she says about learning resonates with my own personal beliefs and how we operate at SureSkills.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Transitioning from traditional classroom to workplace learning
  • Why we need to stop identifying ourselves by our roles
  • A reminder that commencement means beginning, not end!
  • The importance of experimenting with a wide range of skills and competencies
  • Agile learning and the need for a growth mindset
  • Why learning is a practice, something we need to work on constantly
  • The responsibility of individuals to advocate for their own learning needs
  • Why it’s everyone’s job to build a learning culture
  • The zone of proximal development and why we need mentors
  • Why learning is the future of work

You can find Shelley’s book “The Upskilling Imperative” here.

If you want to reach out to Shelley, you can connect with her on LinkedIn

To get in touch with me, Simon Behan, reach out on LinkedIn or email me at simon.behan@sureskills.com

At SureSkills, we deliver learning services to the worlds leading technology companies and global organizations.

To learn more, head over to www.SureSkills.com or download our latest eBook: Foundations of a Successful Learning Experience

Thanks for listening!



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About SureSkills

We deliver learning and enablement services to the worlds leading technology companies and global organizations.

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