Why do I need a Learning Record Store (LRS)?

Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) have been making waves of late, and rightly so. But there is another piece learning technology, perhaps equally important, that sometimes drifts under the radar.
Learning Record Store (LRS) – What is it?
Learning Record Stores (LRS) integrate learning data with other business data and systems, which allows organizations to track the impact and value of their learning programs more effectively.
In a world where data plays an increasingly prominent role in learning recommendations, LRSs are a natural partner to the LXP, facilitating near- and real-time analytics to drive data-based decision making. This technology, like the LXP, is poised to become a multi-billion dollar market, and is packaged alongside learning platforms such as LMSs and LXPs.
Why do I need an LRS?
xAPI ecosystems are becoming more popular – they allow you to track learner activity both within and beyond your learning platform. Basically, xAPI tells a far more comprehensive data story than previous technology. And if you are using xAPI, then you need an LRS to receive, store, or provide access to learning records gathered.
LRS and Learning Platforms
If you are considering an LXP, then you will likely be using xAPI data. And if you’re using xAPI data, you will need a place to store it. This makes the LRS a natural partner to any new learning technology and is why this technology is poised to make a huge splash in coming years.