Don't mistake catalysts for agents.

Don’t mistake catalysts for agents.
You hear it all the time: This person changed my life. That book changed my life. These podcasts…you get the idea.
They didn’t, though.
We often falsely attribute change to other people, glorifying them as agents.
Don’t get me wrong, catalysts for change are incredibly important – inspiration can come in many forms, particularly to those who are curious enough, open enough to receive it.
But you’re the one who changes. You’re the agent. The doer.
And change is hard.
It takes skill. It takes effort. It takes thoughtful evaluation of others and the world around you. It takes predictions of what the future might offer and how you might best adapt to thrive in it.
We rely on others around us for support: our families, our communities, our colleagues, our organizations.
But we alone are the agents. We are the ones who change.
We choose to make things better.
And we are all equipped to adapt, to learn, and to grow.