SureSkills Blog & Resources

Temporary Recruitment – Finding a Diamond for your Temporary Vacancy

Written by Kevin Connolly | Jul 11, 2023 2:22:22 PM

Finding the perfect candidate for any role is tough in today’s market. There is lots of competition out there between companies and candidates. There are plenty of roles, candidates and even more interviews happening daily. Searching to fine the perfect candidate who holds the “exact matching skillset” can come with a number of barriers and lead to tunnel vision when recruiting – making it a difficult and tedious process. Finding the perfect candidate to fulfil a temporary vacancy with this mentality can be even more time-consuming.

“How do I find the best possible candidate for my temporary project/requirement?” I hear you ask, let us help you:

  1. Broaden your scope. Look past the skills listed on the CV and considered ‘career-to-date’ experience. If a candidate has been working a number of temp roles, it is likely they have worked on similar projects or in similar team dynamics in the past.
  2. Aim to look for ‘best-fit’ rather than ‘best skills match’. Depending on the role, a skills match may be necessary, such as in IT or another technical role. However, within a Business Support, Project or Administrative role, there are other qualities a candidate can bring to the team such as; out-of-the-box thinking, collaboration techniques, and experience/techniques/skills used in previous temporary placements.
  3. Shorten your recruitment process. Temporary candidates are in high demand. A long process can rule a company out for temporary candidates as they likely have a number of recruiters/companies looking for their skill set. A short and snappy interview process greatly reduces candidate drop-off helping you bag the right candidate for your requirement.
  4. Conduct a more detailed screening. Generally, CVs are screened by a sourcer, recruiter, or CRM looking for “buzzwords”, qualifications, and specific words/phrases. This limits the ability to meet with genuine candidates and can lead to missed opportunities for both you, the employer, and the potential candidates. Look past the buzzwords and examine the candidate experience as a whole. You might be surprised at who is missed in the initial screening.
  5. Delegate the early stages. Trying to speak with a large number of longlisted candidates in the early stage of a recruitment process is not always an option when time is of the essence for a hiring manager. Utilising employee referrals and trusted recruitment partners can help as both will be privy to your company culture and values and can fast track suitable people to the top of the pile. SureSkills Resource Placement meets with candidates daily ensuring we have a continuous pipeline of people ready for consideration.

This leads us to say “CVs don’t always tell the full story”. Sometimes the best candidate misses out on their dream role and employers miss out on their best hire due to the tunnel vision of the recruitment processes in place.

At SureSkills, our Professional Services Resource Team understands the complexities around temporary resourcing. We partner with clients to garnish a full understanding of the role, team and project to ensure a thorough screening and interview process for all suitable candidates. We conduct in-depth interviews and reference checks on successful candidates and if necessary, we can provide a “double-check” with our resident experts, if required.

We understand the importance for candidates to hold a certain skill level and experience for the vacancy. However, working with us and removing the tunnel to look at the overall process, experience, qualifications, and skill set might just help you find your diamond, even temporarily.

For more information about our Temporary Recruitment services, contact