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Michael F D Anaya (Palo Alto Networks) - Building a Learning Culture (Part 1)

Written by Simon Behan | Mar 23, 2021 4:30:00 AM


My guest this week is Michael Anaya, Head of Attack Surface Analysis at Cortex by Palo Alto Networks.

Michael and I connected a while back and I was fascinated by both his background as an FBI special agent and the challenge facing him in his current role as he implements a vision for his team.

I proposed an idea. Michael is looking to build a successful learning culture, provide dynamic learning experiences for his team, and double the size of his team over the next six months.

I said, why don’t you come on the podcast, talk about your plans, and then let’s check back in in six months and see what worked, what didn’t, and what you learned. And Michael was up for it, for which I am extremely grateful!

We discuss

  • how Michael draws on his experience using empathy in interrogations as an FBI agent in his current role,
  • why empowering individuals is crucial to team success,
  • and Michael’s plans to use culture to scale effectively. 

Connect with Michael on LinkedIn

To get in touch with me, Simon Behan, reach out on LinkedIn or email me at

At SureSkills, we deliver learning services to the worlds leading technology companies and global organizations.

To learn more, head over to or download this eBook: Foundations of a Successful Learning Experience

Thanks for listening!